Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Oops. I simply for got to post a blog on Monday. Sorry about that. Here it is, better late than never.

Over the last couple of years I've all but eliminated actual phone calls in favor of texting. I find it has many advantages over phone calls. For one, you are more likely to get through. She can check a text almost anywhere and at anytime. It doesn't matter if she's in a loud bar or at work. Whereas, she may never check her voice mail. Another advantage is you have that extra few seconds to think about what to say. No more stuttering into the answering machine. Lastly, she may not answer a number she doesn't know. But, she'll likely read a text message.

But, that doesn't mean you can text her anything. “Yo wha s'up?” ain't gonna make it. You'll have to be more creative than that. Also, avoid text speak unless your message is getting too long. You have 160 spaces you can fill before you need to start texting 2 instead of too.

It's also important to watch your spelling. You're cell phone probably has some kind of predictive text option. Use it! If you still can't figure out a spelling, use a different word. You'll come off better if everything is spelled correctly.

Don't send all those bullshit pics everyone forwards around to each other. Sometimes they're good for a giggle, but it doesn't help you to look creative. Instead, come up with something clever yourself. Something like “Hey, is this the girl that fell in love with me last night?” isn't bad. It's cocky, flirtatious and plants a seed in her mind.

In fact, that is the frame you want to suggest as much as you can. Twist whatever she says into how she is either in love with you or she wants to have sex with you. But, try to avoid getting all gooey about it. If she denies having the hots for you, tell her she's just playing hard to get or that she's doing a pretty good job of hiding it, but you know what's really on her mind.