Friday, October 30, 2009

Getting Your Look Together Part 2

This blog is supposed to be about attracting women and I'll get to that. first I feel it's important to discuss a few things about fashion. You may find it hard to believe, but it's true. Even if you're short, fat and bald with a big nose and crooked teeth you can still meet and attract women. You don't need good looks. But, you do need a look that works for you. Once you understand what works for you finding clothes is much easier because you no longer have to sort through to stuff you know won't work.

I also should tell you that many of the things you buy will need to be taken to a good tailor before you can wear them out. How your clothes fit is more important than what style they are. I take all my dress shirts to a tailor before I wear them as well as most of my paints.

Now a few words about printed T-shirts. Unless you know what you are doing (most men don't) you should just avoid them. Yes, there are some prints that can help make you look wider. However, I don't think looking wider is a problem for most men.

You also need to dress your age. It's alright to wear things that make you look younger as long as they are appropriate for your body type. But, that doesn't mean you can pull off Affliction brand shirts if you are over 40. Some can, but most cannot.

Let's get into colors and matching. A good casual look is wearing a T-shirt layered with a striped sports, oxford or button down shirt. The trick to matching the color is to pick the most subtle color i the stripes and wear a T-shirt in that color. For example, I used to have a blue button down with mostly white pen stripes. but it also had a few yellow pen stripes mixed in. Wearing a yellow T-shirt underneath it looked good. It also worked with a white T-shirt as well.

Having a unique look is important and I can't really help you with that because I don't know you. But, you have to find one that works for you. Maybe you are surfer guy. Or maybe you are Russian strip club owner guy. Whatever it is you have to find it and learn to work it. It may help you to find someone in the entertainment business it look to as a guide. Someone with a build similar to your's. Just understand that what works on Brad Pitt or George Clooney may not work on you. You may need to follow someone like Jack Black or Denis Hopper.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Getting Your Look Together Part 1

In this issue of my blog I want to cover the main mistakes I see men making when it comes to fashion. I don't care what your body looks like, the right clothes can make a huge difference. We may all have unique bodies, but there are several rules that if followed can really help you make a better first impression.

Let's start at the top and work our way down. Get a GREAT haircut. Find a stylist that knows what he or she is doing and let them do their job. They know more about what you need than you do. Accept their advice. Even if you have male pattern balding, a good stylist can still do wonders.

If you wear facial hair keep it trimmed and neat. Facial hair can also do a lot when it comes to covering sins. For example, growing a beard can hide a double chin. If yo do decide to grow a beard do not cut it off at your jaw line. This will make you appear to have a double chin even if you don't have one. So, grow it on your neck, under your chin down to about your Adam's apple.

Shoulders. As a man you want to have a masculine silhouette. That means wide shoulders and narrow waist. Don't worry if you have a belly, we're going to get to that.

Think of a perfect male figure in art. Michel Angelo's David is the best example. Notice the ratio of his shoulder width compared to the size of his head. If you measure it you'll find that his head is one third the width of his shoulders. So, that's where you want to start. If you have a large head, you'll need to buy shirts and jackets that make your shoulders look wider.

The obvious answer is jackets padded shoulders. And they will do the trick. But, what about when it too hot for a jacket? There are other tricks. If you can find a shirt with a horizontal stripe or other design across the chest and onto the sleeves it will definitely make you appear wider. On the other hand, if you want to look more narrow avoid anything horizontal. Especially across your belly.

Now, about that belly. First, you have to buy paints that actually fit. Most men buy their paints to fit their hips not their waist. If you have a belly, doing this will only make it seem bigger and give your ass an unattractive baggy appearance. It's much better to get over any vanity and buy larger waisted paints and wear them at your actual waist. This way you won't have that spare tire of love handles hanging over the top of your jeans, covering your belt buckle.

Another good trick t use if you want to seem narrower is to layer one shirt over another leaving the top one opened. This creates a line from your neck down that is slimming.

Wearing vertical stripes can make you appear slimmer as well a taller. Another trick to looking taller is to dress in all one color.

Something men don't usually think about is the texture of their clothes. How it feels. They should! I remember once looking at sweaters. There was a woman there also looking at them shopping for her husband. I watched as she “molested” sweater after sweater. She caressed, squeezed and rubbed them all and finally settled on the one she thought felt the best. I bought the same one and women cannot keep their hands off it. A soft sweater is MUCH better than a sweatshirt.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Tao of Cool

What is cool? What does it mean to be cool? Can anyone be cool or is cool reserved for only a lucky few? Can you buy cool? If you own enough cool things will you become cool? How do we recognize cool? Why is cool more attractive to women?

I don't want to confuse being cool with being alpha. Although you can be both at once, they are different. Alpha means being in charge. But, the guy in charge isn't always cool. Cool is more than alpha. Although the real alpha men are almost always cool.

Let's think about what cool is. Cool is relaxed. Cool is comfortable. Cool is confident. Cool is feeling secure in your place in society. Cool is knowing you are in a place of abundance. Knowing you have everything you need to get anything you want. Cool is knowing you are not lacking anything. You are complete. Cool is acceptance of yourself and who you are. Most importantly, cool is getting out of your own way and doing what you know you need to do. When you re cool you don't have to worry about being alpha because it will take care of it's self.

Cool is not what you do or how you act or what you wear or the things you own. Cool is who you are. Cool is not your job. Cool is how you view yourself and your attitude towards the world around you. Cool is also allowing others to be who they are even if you don't agree with them or their lifestyle.

So, can anyone become cool and if so how do you go about it?

The first step to becoming cool is to take an honest look at yourself and understand who you are deep inside. This is harder than it sounds. You may need a close friend to help you. Just remember whatever he says is not an insult. Don't become angry. Allow it to sink in and learn from it. Then you have to accept it as part of who you are and stop pretending you're something you're not. If you're shy, be shy. If you're outgoing, be outgoing.

Another important aspect of being cool is understanding that not everyone is going to like you. Some people will like you and some won't. So, forget about the ones that don't like you and focus on the ones that do.

Cool people don't try to make up for their shortcomings. They understand that no one is perfect and that it's our imperfections that make us unique and special. Perfect people are boring. So, celebrate your flaws.

Cool people understand their gifts. Your gifts are the things you love to do. The things you've become good at through practice. Do you draw or play a musical instrument? What are you good at? What are you passionate about? Without passion life is nothing. Travel perhaps? If there were no women in the world how would you spend your free time?

When you become cool women will approach and open you. You will radiate a confident, relaxed vibe women will find irresistible. They will chase after you and hang on your every word. They will want to sleep with you and be disappointed if they can't.

Now, let go. Let go of everything you worry about. Give up fretting about that girl you have a crush on. Forget about all those people that make fun of you. Be calm and empty your mind. Sop thinking and just be. When you are like that everywhere, all the time you will be cool.

Be cool

Friday, October 16, 2009

First Blog

Well, I'm starting this blog because it appears I'll be asked to leave a certain message forum. I'm sad about this. But, if most of the forum members fell I should go I don't want to cause trouble. It seems that some people don't like having their opinions challenged even when that challenge comes in a friendly way.

Most of these blog posts will be about my life and the things I enjoy. A journal of sorts. I'd like to make one thing clear. I do not want to become some kind of pick up guru. I do not want to and will not teach anyone. If you can learn something from reading this blog I'm happy to have helped. But, I won't become some kind of Dear Abby for want to be pick up artists.

In this blog I will talk about the things I feel are most important and ignore the things I feel are nonsense. These are my opinions and no one else is responsible for the content of this blog.
Sometimes I may write a "field report." Or I may write about something I have learned. One thing you can count on is that I will tell you the truth as I see it. I have no products to sell. I am not doing this to make money. This is nothing more than my thoughts, feelings and ideas about whatever takes my interest at the moment.

Thank you for reading.
