In this issue of my blog I want to cover the main mistakes I see men making when it comes to fashion. I don't care what your body looks like, the right clothes can make a huge difference. We may all have unique bodies, but there are several rules that if followed can really help you make a better first impression.
Let's start at the top and work our way down. Get a GREAT haircut. Find a stylist that knows what he or she is doing and let them do their job. They know more about what you need than you do. Accept their advice. Even if you have male pattern balding, a good stylist can still do wonders.
If you wear facial hair keep it trimmed and neat. Facial hair can also do a lot when it comes to covering sins. For example, growing a beard can hide a double chin. If yo do decide to grow a beard do not cut it off at your jaw line. This will make you appear to have a double chin even if you don't have one. So, grow it on your neck, under your chin down to about your Adam's apple.
Shoulders. As a man you want to have a masculine silhouette. That means wide shoulders and narrow waist. Don't worry if you have a belly, we're going to get to that.
Think of a perfect male figure in art. Michel Angelo's David is the best example. Notice the ratio of his shoulder width compared to the size of his head. If you measure it you'll find that his head is one third the width of his shoulders. So, that's where you want to start. If you have a large head, you'll need to buy shirts and jackets that make your shoulders look wider.
The obvious answer is jackets padded shoulders. And they will do the trick. But, what about when it too hot for a jacket? There are other tricks. If you can find a shirt with a horizontal stripe or other design across the chest and onto the sleeves it will definitely make you appear wider. On the other hand, if you want to look more narrow avoid anything horizontal. Especially across your belly.
Now, about that belly. First, you have to buy paints that actually fit. Most men buy their paints to fit their hips not their waist. If you have a belly, doing this will only make it seem bigger and give your ass an unattractive baggy appearance. It's much better to get over any vanity and buy larger waisted paints and wear them at your actual waist. This way you won't have that spare tire of love handles hanging over the top of your jeans, covering your belt buckle.
Another good trick t use if you want to seem narrower is to layer one shirt over another leaving the top one opened. This creates a line from your neck down that is slimming.
Wearing vertical stripes can make you appear slimmer as well a taller. Another trick to looking taller is to dress in all one color.
Something men don't usually think about is the texture of their clothes. How it feels. They should! I remember once looking at sweaters. There was a woman there also looking at them shopping for her husband. I watched as she “molested” sweater after sweater. She caressed, squeezed and rubbed them all and finally settled on the one she thought felt the best. I bought the same one and women cannot keep their hands off it. A soft sweater is MUCH better than a sweatshirt.