This week I'll be going into what makes a good wing as well as what a wing should be doing to help you out. It should go without saying you'll be doing the same for him.
Let's get started by laying out the way you approach and open a woman or group of women with a wing. You shouldn't go in together. If you do one of you will be talking to the girls while the other stands around with his thumb in his ass.
It's better if you go in alone, open the girls and then your wing can join in after a few minutes. When your wing comes in, turn to face him. This let's the girls know this man has value n your life. He's a close friend. Introduce him to the girls and allow him to take over for a few minutes. When you introduce him tell them something interesting about him, something unique. “Ladies, I'd like you to meet my very good friend Wing. This guy is the most amazing guitar player (or whatever) I've heard and he gets laid like a rock star!”
If your wingman has value and he's your friend, you must have some value as well. Then your wing can say “hey you guys, are you having a good night? So, how do you know Scoundrel here? You just met him? Well, let me tell you, this guy is nuts! He once rode his Harley through a crowded movie theater!” Now, your wing has just given you props. The two of you can go on about how cool the other one is without bragging. Your wing can tell the girls exactly why they should want to know you and you will do the same for him. Get it?
Another thing a good wing will do is follow your lead and agree with what you say. This will give you creditability even when you are saying something outrageous. That doesn't mean you should lie about something important like your job or how much money you have in the bank. It means you can joke around with the girls and fool them in a playful way.
For example you might say something like “you know, all the women in Brazil walk around nude all the time.” Then your wing might say “That's true! And none of them have any pubic hair.” After that you can take it up another notch and keep going back and forth until one of the girls calls you on it. It's fun!
Another way to open women with a wing is you open one group while your wing opens another. Then you can merge both groups. Say something like “you guys have to meet my friend Scoundrel. He is so cool and girls love him. You're going to love him.” He'll say something similar to his group. This way when you go in bringing girls and you find him with girls you both automatically have some value.
A good wing will also help you out by keep one girl occupied while you take the other one away to “show her something cool.” But, if your wing drops the ball the other girls will assume that sense he's dull, you must be dull too and they have to rescue their friend. They'll grab her and say, “let's go dance,” and you'll be SOL.
The rule is whoever opens the girls has first pick. However, there may be times when your first pick just isn't into you. If this happens let it go. It's likely that this girl just likes his type. Some girls like athletic guys and others like nerds. Remember, no one is able to score every time.
So, respect your wingman because it goes both ways.